I lived with Simon, Gary and Dom for many years, back when we were squatters living in various disgusting, derelict buildings around London. Back then we bathed out of buckets, survived on food we found in supermarket garbage bins, and made wigs out of meat. Now they’re in a band called Is Tropical and are randomly kind of famous or whatever, and get flown around the world to play their music in front of people. The video for their last single, The Greeks, was very edgy and controversial and became an internet meme. Their new video has boobs in it. See below:
Hi! We’re Is Tropical. We’ve been fans of Slutever since before the blog Slutever even existed. So there! We win! We’re on tour around Europe at the moment. This was 24 hours in our life:
Copenhagen, Rush Club, 1.45am. View from stage, still with a crushing hangover.
Copenhagen, Drone, 4.30am. Danish lady friends sort us out with speedy coke.
Copenhagen, streets, 5ish am. Gary rides to the hotel on a little girl’s bike.
Copenhagen, 6ish am. Found the best country in the world!!!
Ferry to Sweden, 9am. Cold, tired crossing.
On ferry, 9.30am. Dale finds a massive tub. [This is Karley interjecting to say that, as you may remember, Dale is our old squatmate who used to dye all of his food blue and aspire to look like a tree.]
Driving through Sweden, 3pm. Gary and the kick ass shades.
Driving, sometime. Superfan tattoo. (Obviously)
Tour tattoo.
Stockholm, Debaser, 11.40pm. View from the stage. As you can see, our fans are mainly young boys.
Stockholm, Debaser, 1am. Flogging some merch with Dale.
Stockholm, Port, 3ish am. Greenpeace boat, Rainbow Warrior 3, was present for the gig so there where lots of bears, fish and lions in the crowd. Plus backstage we got attacked by a rat.
Stockholm, Hotel, 8am. Quick stop at the hotel before flying. The hotel doing the classy hotel toilet roll fold but still won’t change it if there’s a few plies left.
The end! Slutever forever!
this was not meaningful…but still alt
Hey you should totally do a day in the life of for the Brisbane band Trash People, those dudes are fucking crazy. That and I’m trying to do weird shit with Flynn from the band! Hook us up.
Ive seen their faces! http://portable.tv/culture/post/is-tropical-what-were-watching-video-edition/
Dying all of your food blue will turn all of your poo green
Recently I found this band and became quite obsessed with them (for example I listen to “Lies” over and over, it’s soooooooooooo catchy).
Too bad I’m not a british boy and I don’t have musical talent :<
I love your blog!
Hahaha the Danish girls cut their coke with an Australian Travel Money Card….
Too bad they turned it upside down for the photo so we can’t all steal their identities/money/children/etc!
cheyrl cole!
@ p : is a crackhead