The United States Congress just passed two bills, SESTA and FOSTA, which claim to diminish sex trafficking, but in practice is censorship legislature that will make sex workers’ lives more dangerous and their futures uncertain. Here, dominatrix Mistress Couple talks to three other sex workers about what these bills mean for their work and lives, as well as for the future of sex work and censorship in the United States. Continue reading “4 Sex Workers Discuss What SESTA-FOSTA Means For Their Lives”
In Convo with Erika Lust: the Woman at the Forefront of the Ethical Porn Movement
Erika Lust, the Swedish pornographer who has become the face of the feminist porn movement, is making her L.A. debut this weekend with a screening of erotic short films. Here, Lust discusses porn archetypes in a post #MeToo era, and what #TimesUp means for sex workers. By Alexandra Pereira. Continue reading “In Convo with Erika Lust: the Woman at the Forefront of the Ethical Porn Movement”
Slutever on the “Babe?” Podcast
Babes! I went on one of my favorite podcasts, Babe?, hosted by two of the funniest people I know, Ryan O’Connell and Lara Marie Schoenhals. We talked about good sex, bad sex, sex that we sort of can’t remember, moving to LA, being pretend adults, and lots of other fun flirty topics. Listen to BABE? here :) – Karley Sciortino Continue reading “Slutever on the “Babe?” Podcast”
Slutever on Girlboss Radio with Sophia Amoruso: Talking Slutty Discovery
I recently had the pleasure of talking with Girlboss creator, Sophia Amoruso, on her podcast Girlboss Radio. We chatted about my new book Slutever, reclaiming the “s-word,” the nuance of life of a sex worker, and the low-key tragic squat slut exploration phase of my early 2os. You can listen to the podcast here :) Continue reading “Slutever on Girlboss Radio with Sophia Amoruso: Talking Slutty Discovery”
On the Frontlines with LESTE Mag: Championing a New Era of Erotic Print
Sophia Larigakis talks to LESTE Magazine founder Sara Sutterlin about Tumblr, community-building and the importance of expanding the discourse surrounding all things erotic.
Continue reading “On the Frontlines with LESTE Mag: Championing a New Era of Erotic Print”
Here’s What You Need to Know About the #NYCStripperStrike
The #NYCStripperStrike is a movement organized by strippers across the five boroughs to combat racial discrimination and unequal wage distribution in clubs. Sophia Larigakis talks to Gizelle Marie (pictured), a dancer at the forefront of the movement, about some of the big issues at stake.
Continue reading “Here’s What You Need to Know About the #NYCStripperStrike”
Deviant Desires: An Interview with Kink & Fetish Author Katharine Gates
Katharine Gates is a ‘gonzo anthropologist’ whose book, Deviant Desires: A Tour of the Erotic Edge, covers everything from overeating to eating people. Lizzi Sandell wonders if we’re ready and willing for this gleefully amoral approach to sexuality.
Continue reading “Deviant Desires: An Interview with Kink & Fetish Author Katharine Gates”
“NSFW: Female Gaze” at the Museum of Sex
The NYC Museum of Sex’s current exhibition, NSFW: FEMALE GAZE, showcases female artists who are exploring sexuality on their own terms, and reclaiming the role of the muse. Here, Alisha Wexler talks to one of the show’s artists, Giulia Marisco, about Instagram art, representation and erotica. Cover image by Joanne Leah
Introducing Female Trouble: Tastefully Tacky Accessories You Probs Need
Designer Chelsea Fairless (aka ½ of @EveryoutfitonSATC) has created a lifestyle brand that indulges the tackiest elements of your personality. By Sophia Larigakis. Continue reading “Introducing Female Trouble: Tastefully Tacky Accessories You Probs Need”
Talking with an ‘Intimacy Choreographer’ — Handling Boners, Orgasms, & Queer Love Scenes
Did you know there’s a special person hired to choreograph fucking on film sets? Yeah, us either. We sat down with Alicia Rodis, a woman choreographing sex, make-outs, rape scenes, and simultaneous orgasms for the big screen. By Michel Ghanem. Continue reading “Talking with an ‘Intimacy Choreographer’ — Handling Boners, Orgasms, & Queer Love Scenes”