Hey You, Teen Bitch!

Calling all teenage girls! I’m looking for girls between the ages of 11 and 18 to interview on camera about dating. Girls need to be in or within a few hours drive of NYC. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please email me ASAP at karleysciortino@gmail.com. And don’t worry, it’s not going to be “racy”. The vibe is more “cute”, so feel free to sign up your daughters :) And p.s., Skype and/or phone calls will not work, so the New York thing is actually important. THANKS!



3 Replies to “Hey You, Teen Bitch!”

  1. hey, this is totally unrelated to the above post but still…I was wondering how on earth you found someone who would pay your rent in new york? i want to move there from london and need a deal like that, I just have to shout abuse at someone every so often yeah? is craigslist a good bet or is there some special forum?

  2. NOOO! Apparently my family has an apartment in NYC but there's someone living there so I can't come molest you/be in the video. Srsly, next time you're in London you should do this again

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