Lick It

My friend, the filmmaker Alexa Karolinski, recently asked me to be in a short film she wanted to make, that would loosely explore the idea of food porn, and would involve me eating from a menu of orange and yellow foods. I said yes, despite the fact that the oracle Sophia Lamar once told me that it’s unglamorous to be seen chewing in public. You can watch the result above.

In other news, Alex recently released her first feature documentary, Oma and Bella. The film is an intimate portrait of Alexa’s grandmother and her best friend Bella, both of whom are Holocaust survivors living in Berlin. The film talk about their epic life stories, as well as their love of cooking amazing Jewish food.

AND, along with the movie Alexa released an Oma and Bella cookbook, including all of her grandmother’s great Jewish recipes. The recipes are written in both English and German, and the book is full of cute photos and illustrations. I gave a copy to my dad for Christmas, and was literally stunned when my deeply Italian father starting casually making matzah ball soup.





3 Replies to “Lick It”

  1. the most exciting part of this video is worrying you’re not going to stab yourself in the eye with the knife…

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