My Boobs in Purple Mag

Exciting news! I’m making a video series for Purple magazine! I’m really excited because I’m a huge fan of the mag (it being the sexiest and most nudity friendly fashion magazine around), and because for years I’ve read Olivier Zahm’s blog and dreamed of being one of the many hot, naked chicks he photographs during his after-hours, hotel adventures. #DreamBig

Anyway, from now on I’ll be making a video each month for the SEX section of the newly launched, Purple TV. The first video, which is an homage to Brigid Berlin’s tit prints, can be seen HERE. I made it with my friend, the artist Phoebe Collings-James. The future Slutever videos will be quite different to this one. I’m not going to give away too much, but there will def be a lot of DIRTY TALK involved. I’ll leave it at that.



7 Replies to “My Boobs in Purple Mag”

  1. I’m a 36D. But yeah… I think if you have large breasts you have to just suck it up and spend money on a good bra, otherwise you will just look saggy/frumps/gross.

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