The new film for Purple mag is up! It was directed by the inimitable wunderkind Petra Collins, and stars the lovely and talented Sandy Kim and Alice Lancaster, and I’m in it too obvs. Also, many thanks to Avery Hunsberger for allowing himself to be eaten alive for the sake of this extremely important piece of art.
Crimson is great but I miss your beautiful triangle :((
Strange, the video won’t even show anywhere on the purple website..
the video isn’t working
you have a very nice body!
Awesome, yes that is a very nice body
this video reminded me to ask you-
how come u never mentioned your role in the ssion psy-chic video?
maybe u did while i was on vacation…
sandys pussy looks tastier and strangely enough cleaner
Fucking awesome
not sure if being ironic or just lame. and i usually like your stuff. I don’t know but the filter thing didn’t do it for me – you can’t turn bad art into good art through abstraction, that’s cheating.
sorry, you all looked really hot though!
That video was probably the least abstract thing every created. Thanks for the feedback though.
That was cool. But I don’t get the name, is crimson like a colour?
xx Domenic
I like you guys, but I didn’t like the video at all. At least you had fun making it…
I like looking at your body. Thanks for sharing.