Slutever’s 5 Recommendations for Life

Pic by Petra Collins

It’s the weekend–yay! But that’s not an excuse to turn off your brain. Sorry :(

I love getting recommendations about things to watch, read, listen to and look at from my friends and the people I respect. There’s just so much content in the world (aka on the internet) these days, that a little guidance is helpful. Below are five things that I’ve seen/listened to/read in the past week that either made me smile, made me smarter, or blew mind :)

1. Richardson Magazine’s kinky clothing

Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 6.40.26 PMPeople who read my blog are likely familiar with Richardson–the, shall I say, academic sex magazine. (One of my favorite interviews I’ve ever done was with porn star Tori Black for Richardson’s cover.) Well, Richardson makes clothing and accessories alongside their ever-progressive magazine–stuff like kinky T-shirts, bomber jackets, impossibly sexy swimsuits, and–a personal favorite of mine–the Richardson keychain, which dons the sex/life motto “play hard, play nice, communicate.” You can shop on their website, or at their store at 325 Broome St, New York, NY 10002.

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2. To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This


More than 20 years ago, the psychologist Arthur Aron succeeded in making two strangers fall in love in his laboratory. Last month, the New York Times published an article by a woman who put that technique to the test. The results are indeed surprising. Read the article HERE :)


3. Adam Carpenter’s daily-dance Instagram


Few things make me as un-depressed as Adam Carpenter’s Instagram. He posts a new 15-second dance every day, and has become known in some enlightened circles as “Instagram’s dance king.”  You should follow him right now because you will be a happier person for it. Oh, and as you may remember, Adam acted with me on the lolz new-age web series, Be Here Nowish. (P.S. A second season of Be Here Nowish is coming out this Spring, yay!)


#DressForLess @jeffconrad music made me #crump for deals

A video posted by Daily Dance (@adamscarpenters) on

getting hyped for our skype conference call. #BusinessTops A video posted by Daily Dance (@adamscarpenters) on

#SelflessSaturdays I am the modern male Mary Poppins

A video posted by Daily Dance (@adamscarpenters) on

#selflesssaturdays A video posted by Daily Dance (@adamscarpenters) on

Soothe The Beast. #SaxOnSunday

A video posted by Daily Dance (@adamscarpenters) on

4. Esther Perel’s Ted talk, “The Secret to Desire in a Long-Term Relationship”

It’s no secret: in a long term relationship, even if we still love our partner, we often stop feeling really excited about fucking them. So, how do we change this? In her witty and insightful Ted talk, Esther Perel talks about erotic intelligence and how to sustain desire. She argues that good, committed sex draws on two conflicting needs: our need for security and our need for surprise.


5. The Andy Warhol documentary, by Ric Burns

Somehow I’d never seen the famous, 2006 documentary about Warhol by Ric Burns until recently. It’s the quintessential film about the artist, and although it’s super long (4 hours in 2 parts), it’s worth watching, even if you just watch a part of it. Sure, we all know a lot about Warhol, but it’s still amazing to see all the old footage of New York in the 60s, 70s and 80s, The Factory, The Velvet Underground, etc.



One Reply to “Slutever’s 5 Recommendations for Life”

  1. Dear Slutever,

    I know these certain posts may take time and effort and well time to think about weekly 5 recommendations but, please try to make them a regular.

    Keep warm.

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