A lot of cool kidz in downtown NYC are making internet art these days. Internet art is very #relevant. Think 90s, think warehouse raves, think platforms, think neon dolphins, think ying-yangs, think marble cell phone covers, think My So Called Life, think sea punk, think dip-dye, think gifs, think crop tops, think reversible jackets, think mp3s, think transsexual rappers, think inverted crosses, think hashtags, think those creepy contacts that have a smiley face in them, etc. THIS IS WHAT’S INSPIRING THE KIDS THESE DAYS.

I wanted to be a member of the cool kids club so I decided to make some of my own sexual/self-obsessed/relevant internet artwork. I made these with LESSA MILLET. If you can’t tell these are gifs of segments of the Valentine’s video Lessa directed, which I posted lasted week. You should Tumble these because they are very Tumblr friendly. I put them on My Tumblr already, so feel free to re-blog that shit yo #InternetForever.




  1. How come we never get to see/spend some quality time with your ass. I am super duper horny for your pert, peachy butt Carly.

  2. KARLY, gurl this is great, but I miss Bunny, can you write something about Bunny? Can you write something? One of those really great self-indulgent but insightful things you used to like about how Hamiliton buttraped you, and it was nice. Plzzz.

    1. porn isnt relevant yet.

      she might do it ‘ironically’ or ‘as a joke’. Prolly fuck a midget. Midgets are always cutting edge.

      theres that one midget actor that everyone pretends is hot

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