A letter from your editor, Karley Sciortino
Hey Slutettes,
I have some exciting news! As you can see, Slutever looks different–far more chic, don’t you think? The site was in desperate need of a makeover, since it’s barely changed since I launched Slutever back in 2007–yes, eight years ago. That’s actually insane to me.
But this makeover is more than just aesthetic. Now eight years deep, while I wish I could devote as much time to writing Slutever as I have in the past, my other work makes that sort of impossible. As longtime readers surely remember, for Slutever’s first few years, I was jobless, living in a squat, with literally zero responsibilities other than to have the max amount of fun possible at any given time, and then to occasionally blog about it. Life was good, I guess? Now, however, I’m dedicating a lot of my time to bigger projects–most notably, I’m writing a book about modern sexuality and I’m making movie about a slutty girl (aka myself) tryin’ to find her place in the world n’ stuff. I’m really excited to eventually share both of those things with you! However, in the interim, working on them has meant that, over the past year or so, the frequency with which I post on Slutever has significantly decreased. But that disappointed me, because I never want Slutever to die! This blog has been such an enormous part of my adult life, and writing it has been so much fun. For one, it’s allowed me to do so many insane things that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise had the balls to do, save for being able to rationalize them as “ blog research”–i.e. working as a dominatrix, selling pee smoothies to strangers, hanging out with glamorous porn stars and escorts, chilling at gangbangs, etc. And this blog has also allowed me to find a community of likeminded sexual freaks–aka you guys–and for me, that it completely invaluable.
So, in order to keep Slutever alive and well, after a lot of consideration, I’ve decided to bring on more contributors to this site. Starting today, I’ll be inviting wonderful people from the worlds of journalism, sex research, psychology, sexual health and the sex industry to add to the Slutever discourse. Don’t fret: I will still be writing for Slutever a lot. This isn’t going to be one of those situations where a blog turns into a magazine, and then the founding blogger quietly disappears. Nu-uh. I’m sticking around, except now I’ll have an army of enlightened sluts and wonderful pervs at my side.
Ultimately, I always want Slutever to be a place where people come to engage in an open, progressive, frank and funny dialogue about sex and relationships. I think the site will benefit exponentially from having additional voices, as well as new content such as photo diaries, short stories and artwork. And hopefully, if my Slutever master plan succeeds, together we can help one another find our ways through this hellishly complicated labyrinth we call sexuality.
Going forward, Slutever will be co-edited and commissioned by my lovely friend, Erika Allen, editor of the New York Time’s “Times Insider” blog.
Also, shout out to Keegan McClain from Dancing Bear who redesigned my blog to look so chic :)
Sincerely, your friend, editor and proud slut,