Dating in the ~New Age~

My new Breathless column for Vogue weighs in on dating in the “new age,” and what to do when you find out the person you’re sleeping with has crystals on their bedside table. I interviewed Alexandra Roxo and Natalia Leite–the creators of Be Here Nowish, the new comedy web series about new age culture–for the article. Also, Be Here Nowish (which I play a part in, as I’ve mentioned on here a couple times) just began airing! There’s a link to the episodes in the Vogue article :)

An Anti-Valentine

Feeling sad and/or anxious about Valentine’s Day? Well this might cheer you up: my new Breathless column for Vogue, published yesterday, is about how V-Day day is a bit traj… and I also wrote about love a bit too, so it’s not all bad :) You can read it HERE! 

Ignorance or Insensitivity? Dealing with Transgender Culture

Katie Hill and Arin Andrews in Barneys New York’s catalog, by Bruce Weber
My latest Breathless column for Vogue is about trans culture and the danger of ignorance. I learned a lot while researching and writing the article, and not to be cheesy but I’m proud of how it turned out :) I hope you like it too! You can read it HERE.

Also, side note: A few posts ago I wrote about a new, awesome, girl-power VICE show called Every Woman that my friends Alexandra Roxo and Natalia Leite made, and the first episode is finally out! You can watch it HERE.

Breathless: Does Size Matter?

Have you ever boned a small peen? Does size matter, or is it just one of those “issues” we are taught to care about? How small is too small? Also, how many penises can a normal female mouth fit into itself at one time? I answer almost all of those questions in my most recent Vogue column. Read it HERE!