Simone de Beauvoir—acclaimed author of The Second Sex, and long time partner of Jean-Paul Sartre—was one of the most important figures in both feminism and philosophy. Since today is her birthday, Kristen Cochrane reminds us why she was such a bad bitch. Continue reading “Happy Birthday Simone de Beauvoir! 7 Reasons To Celebrate Her Life”
Todd Haynes’ ‘Carol’ is the Story of a Flâneuse who Gazes Back
Todd Haynes’ Carol is a film that not only shows the female gaze, but a gaze of female desire towards other women. Kristen Cochrane explores this, as well as other aspects of the same-sex relationship portrayed in this beautiful new film.
Continue reading “Todd Haynes’ ‘Carol’ is the Story of a Flâneuse who Gazes Back”
Why are Women so Self-Conscious About the Way We Smell?
Why are so many women so self-conscious about the smell of our vaginas? And what’s causing that insecurity? And why isn’t the world equally squeamish about semen? Kristen Cochrane investigates…
Continue reading “Why are Women so Self-Conscious About the Way We Smell?”
Grandma: Finally A Film that Deals With Abortion Well
In the new movie Grandma, Lily Tomlin plays a cool grandma helping her granddaughter get an abortion. Kristen Cochrane discusses the film, and looks back at the (generally awful) ways that abortion has historically been dealt with in film. Continue reading “Grandma: Finally A Film that Deals With Abortion Well”
The Canadian Prime Minister Candidate’s Mom was an Underrated Feminist, Flower Child, and Friend of the Rolling Stones (YOLO)
Margaret Trudeau—AKA the mom of the guy who might become the Prime Minister of Canada on Monday—is a girl-power party girl who got YOLO with Andy Warhol, didn’t bother wearing a bra, and was just generally a progressive badass. Here’s 6 reasons why we need more people like her in politics, by Kristen Cochrane. Continue reading “The Canadian Prime Minister Candidate’s Mom was an Underrated Feminist, Flower Child, and Friend of the Rolling Stones (YOLO)”
Honoring Two-Spirited Gender Identities in the Queer Indigenous Film, Fire Song
Kristen Cochrane examines Fire Song, a new film that recently premiered at the Toronto Film Festival, and discusses the way that gender identities are portrayed in film.
Continue reading “Honoring Two-Spirited Gender Identities in the Queer Indigenous Film, Fire Song”
Looking at the Monster of Female Sexuality: A Review of Der Nachtmahr
Kristen Cochrane reviews the horror film Der Nachtmahr (which had its North American premiere at the Toronto Film Festival this past weekend) and looks back at the sexual undertones of movie monsters.
Continue reading “Looking at the Monster of Female Sexuality: A Review of Der Nachtmahr”
Modern love explored through gay, Mexican skateboarders in Te Prometo Anarquía (I Promise You Anarchy)
How are gay relationships usually portrayed in movies? Kristen Cochrane explores this in her review of Te Prometo Anarquía, a sexy new film about skateboarder partners-in-crime that normalizes gay intimacy. The film had its North American premiere at the Toronto Film Festival this past weekend. Continue reading “Modern love explored through gay, Mexican skateboarders in Te Prometo Anarquía (I Promise You Anarchy)”
A Brief History of Period Art
Kristen Cochrane looks back at the history of period art (aka Menstrala), and the badass female artists who made it, from the 1970s until today. Continue reading “A Brief History of Period Art”
Is Rashida Jones’s Porn Documentary Hot Girls Wanted a Slut-Shaming, Neo-Teen Exploitation Movie?
Oh god, our sex-negative culture has spawned another work of anti-porn propaganda! In this article we look at what’s wrong with Hot Girls Wanted, an exploitative, slut-shaming documentary that perpetuates negative stereotypes about sex workers. And we even chat to legendary porn star Nina Hartley, yay! Co-authored by Kristen Cochrane and Karley Sciortino Continue reading “Is Rashida Jones’s Porn Documentary Hot Girls Wanted a Slut-Shaming, Neo-Teen Exploitation Movie?”