Vaj Styles

Your pubes are not just a barrier between your vaginal canal and dust particles. They are also an expression of your personality. Think carefully about how you style your crotch, because your sexual partners are judging you. 

Be yourself (only better)!

Art by Lessa Millet (more drawings on Instagram)

New Slutever Film for Purple Magazine: The Shave

The latest film in my Slutever short film series for Purple magazine is up now! It was directed by Lessa Millet, and you can watch it HERE! Cinematography by Carla Tramullas. And special thanks to Anthony Bryant for his fabulous hand work :)

For regular readers of my blog, this film may seem hypocritical, as I’m a long time advocate of the bush. I just think a nice big bush looks far more classy, and sexy, than a shaved pussy, ya know? However, sometimes you have to shave it off to remind yourself why you like it so much. Enjoy!