Hey guys! I’m part of a group show that’s opening tomorrow at The Hole gallery in NYC. The show is called “Portrait of a Generation”. Over 100 artists who make up the art scene here have made portraits of each other, intended to serve as a kind of yearbook for New York City in 2012. I did a portrait of Matthew Stone, and he did one of me. All the artists in the show are listed below. Some of my faves are in that list! So exciting! Come to the opening if you are around. FB invite HERE.
June 7 – August 10, 2012
OPENING June 7, 6-9PM
Adam Schleimer
Alex Prager
Alexey Sizov
Alison Blickle
Allison Schulnik
Anders Oinonen
Andrea Sonnenberg
Andre Saravia
Andrew Jeffrey Wright
Andrew Kuo
Angeline Rivas
Ari Marcoplolous
Ashley Macomber
Aurel Schmidt
Assume Vivid Astro Focus
Barry McGee
Bec Stupac
Ben Brock
Ben Jones
Bijoux Altimirano
Bill Powers
Billy Grant
Body By Body
Brian Belott
Brian Degraw
Brian Kenney
Brain McPeck
Bruce High Quality
Bruce Labruce
Cass Bird
Caroline Snow
Casey Spooner
Chelsea Seltzer
Cheryl Dunn
Chris Johanson
Christian Rosa
Clare Rojas
Clayton Patterson
Cody Critcheloe
Colette Robbins
Cynthia Rowley
Dash Snow
Donald Baechler
Donald Cummings
Dustin Yellin
Eddie Martinez
Enno Tianen
Eric Cahan
Erik Foss
Eric Yahnker
Evan Gruzis
Fab Five Freddy
Francesca Gavin
Glenn O’Brien
Gordon Hull
Grant Worth
Hisham Bharoocha
Holton Rower
IO Tillet Wright
Isaac Lin
Jack Donoghue
Jack Pierson
Jaimie Warren
Jane Moseley
JD Samson
Jeanette Hayes
Jeff Ladouceur
Jeff Vespa
Jeremy Kost
Jesse Edwards
Jesse Geller
Jiannis Varelas
Jim Drain
Jo Jackson
Joe Bradley
Joe Grillo
Joe Rushe
Joey Frank
John Holland
Jonah Freedman
Jorge Ulrich
Josh Lazcano
Justin Lowe
Kadar Brock
Karley Sciortino
Kathy Grayson
Keegan McHargue
Kembra Pfahler
Kenny Scharf
Kevin Baker
Kris Kahler
Kristy Leibowitz
Kunle Martins
Lance De Los Reyes
Lele Savieri
Leo Fitzpatrick
Levi Tate
Libby Black
Lizzi Bougatsos
Lola Schnabel
Malcolm Stuart
Marc Bell
Maria Robledo
Mark Cross
Matt Jones
Matt Leines
Matt Stone
Matthew Craven
Matthew Stone
Max Snow
McDermott & McGough
Micah Ganske
Mike Namer
Miz Metro
N Dash
Naomi Fisher
Olivier Zahm
Parker Ito
Peter Sutherland
Rachel Chandler
Raymond Pettibon
Renee Ricard
Robert Lazzarini
Ry Fyan
Ryan McGinley
Sam Moyer
Sandy Kim
Scott Ewalt
Scott Hug
Scott Reeder
Seana Gavin
Sharon Needles
Slater Bradley
Slava Mogutin
Spencer Sweeney
Stefan Bondell
Steve Powers
Sue Webster
Susy Oliveira
Taylor McKimens
Terence Koh
Theo Rosenblum
Tim Biskup
Tim Hull
Tim Noble
Tjorg Douglas Beer
Todd James
Vanessa Prager
Wes Lang
Yamataka Eye
Yoko Ono
And while I have your attention, I’d also like to say that I’m reading a short story at this event on Friday night at the People’s Improv Theater in NYC. I’ve never read anything out loud before in my entire life forever, so come watch this once in a lifetime milestone. FB invite HERE.

And while I have your attention again, I’m also having a post-milestone DJ set at a pop-up restaurant/bar/art gallery/trendy Williamsburg relevant happening event space on Friday night. I’ll be “DJing” with my friend Adri Murguia. FB invite HERE.
“The cool thing about being famous is traveling. I have always wanted to travel across seas, like to Canada and stuff.” -Britney Spears