5 Questions with Filmmaker and Pornographer Bruce LaBruce

The Misandrists Bruce LaBruce

Canadian filmmaker and pornographer Bruce LaBruce never shies away from politically- and sexually-charged subject matter. His latest feature film, The Misandrists, about a lesbian separatist terrorist community dealing with a heterosexual infiltration, is no different.  Troy Michael Bordun talked to LaBruce about the film, pornos, sexuality, and future/past feminisms.
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In Convo with Erika Lust: the Woman at the Forefront of the Ethical Porn Movement

Erika Lust, the Swedish pornographer who has become the face of the feminist porn movement, is making her L.A. debut this weekend with a screening of erotic short films. Here, Lust discusses porn archetypes in a post #MeToo era, and what #TimesUp means for sex workers. By Alexandra Pereira. Continue reading “In Convo with Erika Lust: the Woman at the Forefront of the Ethical Porn Movement”