For most people, the idea of being abducted is terrifying. But in the BDSM world, one person’s nightmare is another person’s ultimate sexual fantasy. In this episode, the infamous dominatrix Mistress Darcy teaches me about the complex and risky world of abduction fantasies. I kidnapped someone LOL. Continue reading “New Slutever VICE Show: Ep 3: Abduction Fantasies”
Can a Shaman Cure my Commitment Phobia?
I visited a shaman to see if psychedelic drugs could cure my commitment phobia (lol). Continue reading “Can a Shaman Cure my Commitment Phobia?”
What Is So “Female” About Female Intuition?
My latest Breathless Column for Vogue asks: Is female intuition real, or is it something our mothers created to validate why they were always right, without ever having to give an actual explanation? (i.e. Are we witches?) – Read it HERE.