Ask a Sexologist: Are Women “Less Promiscuous” than Men because of Biology, or Societal Oppression?

It’s a common assumption: gay men fuck the most and lesbians fuck the least, with straight people falling somewhere in the middle. But is that true, and if so, why? Dulcinea Pitagora—sexologist and the creator of Kink Doctor—goes deep on this one! Continue reading “Ask a Sexologist: Are Women “Less Promiscuous” than Men because of Biology, or Societal Oppression?”

A Love Letter to Feminist Killjoys, Angry Black Women, Unhappy Queers, and Melancholic Migrants

Often, when we point out ways in which we are marginalized or oppressed, we are told that we’re being a “killjoy,” or that we’re “lecturing people.” But how are we supposed to make change unless we point out things that are unfair and annoying? By Kristen Cochrane. Continue reading “A Love Letter to Feminist Killjoys, Angry Black Women, Unhappy Queers, and Melancholic Migrants”

Why is the Manosphere Throwing such a Tantrum about the All-Female Cast of Ghostbusters?

Predictably, misogynistic bros on the internet are whining about the new Ghostbusters movie that stars four women. Some are saying the new film will “ruin their childhoods,” which were devoted to Ghostbusters’ male characters. But it is possible for a movie to retrospectively ruin a misogynist’s childhood? Matthew Cull says… maybe. Continue reading “Why is the Manosphere Throwing such a Tantrum about the All-Female Cast of Ghostbusters?”