“Young, Black & Positive” – A New VICE Documentary Looks at The Silent HIV Crisis Sweeping the American South

Although HIV rates across the US are on the decline, in Jackson, Mississippi, up to 40% of young black men who have sex with men have HIV—a statistic that rivals undeveloped countries in Africa. Nowhere in the country is the fight for LGBTQ equality more crucial.

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What is Proper Condom Etiquette?

As will come as no shock to anyone, guys will say literally anything to sleep with you without a condom. But proper condom etiquette can be really sexy! Because we didn’t learn about sex in finishing school, my new Breathless is Condoms 101. Read it HERE :)

Millennials, Safe Sex and HIV

We’re millennials! We’re the best at everything–becoming internet celebrities, making apps, being entitled and narcissistic, you name it! The only thing we’re not so amazing at is having safe sex… whoops. You can read my latest Breathless column HERE, written with the help of my fave pornstar, Stoya.