Chick Chat!

A few weeks ago I asked you to send in questions about life/love/syphilis/whatever!, promising to respond to your queries with infinite words of wisdom. Well here you go! The first episode of Chick Chat, hosted by myself and my BFF Lauren Dillard.

Please send more questions to Pose your question in the form of an email or video, but if you choose video, please be concise! (Actually be concise either way.) Feel free to ask us anything, no matter how sad or creepy or embarrassing it may be. Seriously, ASK. Because like I don’t mean to be a bitch, but you clearly need the help.

FREAKS Need Love Too!

Finding someone who wants to fuck you back can be really hard! But have no fear, I’m going to help you find your soul mate / someone to pee on. This is the first installment of FREAKS Need Love Too. From now on, every so often I will introduce you to a hot, single freak who, just like you, is looking for love.

This week, meet Dev Hynes. I’ve talked about Dev on my blog before–the guy with Synesthesia who’s into squirters. Dev is a musician who operates under the monikers Lightspeed Champion and (more recently) Blood Orange. Prior to this he was in a screamo, proto-new rave band called Test Icicles, whose music I definitely had gurn sex to on more than one occasion back in 2005.

If you think you’re Dev’s soul mate, send him an email to Come on, DO IT!

X Factor

AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I’m auditioning for the X Factor this Wednesday! As you can probably guess this is a super big deal in my life, so I’ve been spending a lot of time rehearsing for it. I’m sort of nervous, but I’m also pretty confident because I’m actually quite amazing at singing. I have the whole package: the look, the attitude, the style and the voice. So, as a present for my fans (you guys), I decided to give you a sneak peek of what my audition is going to be like. Enjoy!

Cover Girls!

My flatmates and I are in the new Cover Girl commercial for Cover Girl Outcast Mascara! Here is a sneak peak of the commercial which will air on TV next week.

Slutever Forever

I decided I needed to kick Slutever up a notch, so I enlisted my graphic designer flatmate Lauren to help me mastermind a new and improved logo. This is a documentary we made about the logo-creating process.

Editing and Garageband by Lauren Chillhard