This Week in Pictures

P.S. Don’t forget that I’m selling Slutever Vaj T-shirts. Some examples can be seen on the chests of the beautiful people above. xoxo



23 Replies to “This Week in Pictures”

  1. Karley you need to step your blog game up. Do some more crazy shit in your life. I fear you are now too old to be fun. Just sayin’

  2. What was the public bondage for? A movie? The guerrilla bdsm movement using public stunts as protest to sexual repression?

  3. There i was thinking i was over my million miles away internet crush on Bunny. Karley, I love your blog, you get to meet wonderful wierdos, you have like, flippin’ awesome boobs, my boyfriend has a crush on your boyfriend, and you seem super cool and all but the only thing that makes me actually jealous of you is that you get to hang out with Bunny. x

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