Is gay cruising still a thing? What’s Stoya’s book about? What’s the best queer porn of the summer? This and more (extremely important) info in our weekly #sexnews :) Happy reading, sluts!
The creator of a sex robot has decided in a possibly well-intentioned but deeply misguided move to make Samantha the robot “shut down” when it is being handled aggressively. This is an effort to awkwardly impose a sense of consent on to a robot.
Have gay men forgotten how to cruise?
What should you do with your ex’s nudes post-breakup? Here are the unwritten rules.
One half of a self-proclaimed “bisexual power couple” discusses their life sex life for the latest edition of the Guardian’s “My Life in Sex” series.
Everyone’s fave sexual-intellectual porn star Stoya wrote a book that just came out. She talks about it in an interview with Jezebel.
While the world self-destructs (hello climate change, hello Trump), a couple of french scientists have been doing some fancy sex-related math to figure out “how many sexually active [hetero] couples it would take to maintain a human crew inside of a spaceship for 6,300 years” which is the amount of time it would take to reach the closest star that is not the sun (aka find other life!), called Proxima Centauri. Who volunteers as tributes?
Half of millennial women aren’t happy with their sex lives.
This documentary is about a black lesbian strip club in LA in the early 2000s.
Something called “Big Dick Energy” went viral this week because apparently the internet has run out of things to talk about.
What queer ethical porn should you watch this summer?