Are you depressed because it’s Valentines Day and no one loves you? I thought so. But cheer up, will ya? V-day is just an excuse for #tragic people to grope each other in public. Lovey-dovey people are lame and annoying and normally wear fleece. Trust me, you don’t want to be one of them. Because what’s important to remember about love is, if you feel like you need to parade it in front of people–if your affection needs an AUDIENCE–then there is something lacking elsewhere! Women who get giant bouquets of flowers delivered to them at work are the same women who get beaten up by their boyfriends after work, 4realz, and no amount of roses will make up for the bruises on your inner thighs. Oh, and if you are one of those icky lovey-dovey people, please, stop making out in public. It grosses everyone around you out. We don’t want to see the insides of your mouths. Hand holding, mild touching, and short, closed mouthed kisses are acceptable, but that’s it. SMILE!
Pics by Nan Goldin, Ryan McGinley, Toyin Ibidapo, Larry Clark, Robert Doisneau, Richard Prince, Steven Klein, Olivier Zahm
hey karlz, i tots agree wtih you there are people all around rough trade east that were buying records for their boyfriends *vomit vomit* quick question hun, what do you do with yer pubes ?
They look sort of like the girl in the black and white pic on the bed
cool jane birkin pic. bold brooke shields pic. recently saw Enter the Void, huh?
Paz de la Huerta has a rockin' body but ooogh her face….. just… not my thing. Fortunately in most of these pics of her it's hidden. Thanks for that.
Coley Brown in a babe
So true! My grandpa often says: "the more "I love you" in public the more fights and smacks in private".
Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder were cute together.
can you arrange for mavi staiano to cum on my tits?